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An envelope for all veterans
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Last week I learned more then I cared to about the liver, pancreas and gallbladder. Extreme abdominal pain put me in the Rockdale Medical Center Emergency Room where I was diagnosed, almost immediately, with pancreatitis. Pancreatitis has a 30 percent fatality rate with the initial treatment stated as, “We plan to starve you.”

And starve me they did, to rest an inflamed pancreas and irritated liver. Morphine reduced the pain but not the problem. Once things “calmed down,” a hunt and peck endoscope procedure failed to find a favorable area to slice open the pancreatic ampulla for bile drainage. However, the hunting and pecking discovered a gallstone blocking the bile duct from the pancreas and liver. Bingo! The gallstone was eliminated then the following afternoon laparoscopic surgery removed the troublesome gallbladder. The liver and pancreas and surgeons and nurses and Pete are now happy campers. Stick a few bandages on the incisions and let me get the heck outa here!

Home, sweet home

We open the screen door and spotted a large manila envelope propped against the front door. The return address identified the sender as DMS on East Fairview Road in Stockbridge — DMS meaning Davis Middle School. The envelope was jam-packed with personalized letters and cards from middle-schoolers thanking me and all veterans for their service and for participating in another Veterans Day Patriotic Program which included a Huey helicopter, a performance by Rosie the Riveter, a flyover by three Stearman biplanes, and a letter of appreciation from U.S. Senator Johnny Isakson.

As I absorbed the phraseology in the cards and letters I became teary-eyed and felt a big lump in my throat. Perhaps, just perhaps, the lyrics written by middle-schoolers rendered Vietnam worth the effort. Thus, the students’ comments will finish this story since their expressions of gratitude to all veterans are superior to anything I could have come up with.

Sydkni Haley: “Dear Veterans, thank you for being brave enough to fight for our country. Not many people would do that. You all are amazing at what you do. Keep going, and don’t let anyone stop you from doing what you love! Words to describe S.O.L.D.I.E.R. - Sincere, Outstanding, Loving, Daring, Incredible, Exciting, and Reliable.”

Rylee Breese: “Roses are red, Violets are blue, you are one that served, and we thank you. Dear Veterans, thank you for fighting for our country. The USA and its citizens owe you its gratitude.”

Navione White: “Thank you soldiers for serving our country and being our heroes. Your fellow citizen, Navione White.”
E.B. Spivey: “Dear Veterans, thank you so much for helping our country. We would all probably be dead without you.

Not only is it hard physically to be in the service, but also emotionally hard. You left your family and friends to be a soldier, and for that I appreciate you. I bet your loved ones could not wait to see you.”

No Signature: “Dear Veterans, in my dictionary you’re the awesomest persons in the United States of America. I guess that makes sense, and hopefully it does. Okay, I have a joke: why aren’t there any knock-knock jokes about America? Because freedom rings? Get it? I crack myself up. But the only reason that joke is true, is because of you. Oh, that rhymes. Oh, I’m good. Thank you.”

Emma Moon: “Thank you for your wonderful service to our country, and thank you for coming out to our school and speaking to us about our very important veterans. P.S. My great uncle was in WWII and he’s still alive at 93 today.”

Sydney Palmer: “Dear Veterans, first of all how are you? I hope you’re great because I am. Do you know why?

Because you protect me. You keep me safe and you give us our freedom. You have sacrificed your life so that we may have better ones. I can only imagine what you have gone through. Leaving your family and friends behind so that people who don’t even know you can be protected. I truly owe you a debt of gratitude for protecting my country, my family, and my freedom.”

Danielle W: “Thank you for speaking at our school. Your friend, DMS orchestra member, Danielle W.”

Kyla S.: “Thank you for everything you’ve done for our country. You fought strong to help our country and all I want to say is ‘thank you’ for everything you have done.”

Mackenzie: “Oh, say can you see by the dawn’s early light. Thank you, Veterans, you have kept me and my country safe. You are brave by risking your life for people like me whom you don’t even know. So I want to say thank you. And I will. Thank you.”

No Signature: “I thank you for your service. At ease, soldier!”

Only from the mouths of babes

Veterans are ‘at ease’ these days, plus we’re ‘at ease’ with the knowledge that the vast majority of Americans fully support our service and sacrifices. It is nice to be appreciated and even nicer to be respected.

When discussing cards and letters for military personnel, their location doesn’t matter, be it a sweltering jungle, the hot sands of Iraq or a cold Afghan mountain top, a soldier 10,000 miles from home looks forward to any type of correspondence from the ‘real world’. Even with access to the internet, many of our current soldiers spend long deployments in the solitary hell of no contact, no mail, and no hope of reading words of encouragement.

Make a soldier smile this Christmas. Contact your local Red Cross office to discuss their ‘Holiday Mail for Heroes’ program then send a letter or card to a soldier per the Red Cross instructions. UPS and the US Postal Service DO NOT deliver mail addressed to ‘Any Service Member, or ‘Any Wounded Veteran’ nor does Walter Reed Army Hospital accept letters or cards any longer addressed in such a manner.

Take time this year to brighten Christmas with a card full of ‘make me feel good’ emotion, for you and a soldier. These men and women of the United States military, less than 1 percent of our population, are doing a job very few others are willing to accept or consider. Send a card this year; the recipients have earned it.

Thank you to the students at General Ray Davis Middle School. You are a great assembly of great American young people.

Pete Mecca is a Vietnam veteran, columnist and freelance writer. You can reach him at or

Battles dont end on the battlefield
0110MECCA   Joe Rode in Iraq on left

This is a new story but familiar tale.

“On the plane coming home from Iraq we were all laughing and cutting up. We talked about girls, about getting drunk and staying together for the rest of our lives. Things didn’t turn out that way. Once we returned to Fort Carson, there were suicides, soldiers mustered out for marginal infractions and many guys just went wild. They selected me for sniper school but after considering my options, I chose not to re-enlist. To be honest, I didn’t want to go back to Iraq. I’d seen enough killing. I’ll say this, I’m only 23-years-old, and even I know the wolf is at our front door, not over there, but right here in our own backyards. I can’t figure out where my country is headed and I worry about that. But I am at peace with things. I read the Bible every day. That is my strength.”

Joe Roden voiced those words almost three years ago, in the May 22, 2013 edition of A Veteran’s Story. Fate brought us together again in early January, 2016, three days after Joe moved back to his old stomping grounds around Newton and Rockdale Counties.

Battles don’t end on the battlefield.

This is an update of a young veteran, his tough transition from combat to citizen, or as the title of an older Clint Eastwood spaghetti Western alleges, ‘The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly.’

There are only two “good” things about war: a lasting brotherhood and coming home alive and intact. But the “bad” stays with you in daily life: flashbacks and nightmares. Some veterans readjust without problems, others struggle for years to defeat their demons, yet many never adapt and survive as best they can with the “ugly” psychological consequences of war, death and the battlefield quest to stay alive. Roden fought the good fight, in Iraq and at home, and today stands triumphant after both battles.

On employment opportunities: “I worked in security for a short time as a body guard, a job I considered an extremity of Iraq. My nature now is to maintain vigilance, and working as a body guard helped me keep that vigilance. From there I traveled to Missouri after coming to grips with where I was as a man and as a human being and how my soul had some black things on it. I wanted to once again fight the good fight, here, and in the next realm. What we do here makes us what we are in the after world, that’s why I try to be a warrior here.”

The Missouri experience: “I met Robert Garrett. He runs Soldiers of the Cross, a rehab ranch for veterans with PTSD. At this juncture I was still taking meds from the VA. The meds helped me transition from anxiety to good clarity, I was able to focus on reading and staying calm for long periods of time.”

On one mission to a control base in Indiana: “Robert introduced me to another Iraq veteran who served as a tanker in Iraq at the same time I was there pounding dirt and sand. We hit it off. He was a recovering addict. I’ve had my issues, so the bond was strong. On the outside he gave the appearance of being okay, but there wasn’t enough people-support to break through to him. So he returned to the drug culture, and that kind of life can destroy a family.”

A call from Arizona: “After returning to Soldiers of the Cross I got a call from a combat brother in Tucson. He’d just gotten out of prison. We decided to make a fresh start in Arizona. I moved in with him and we both maintained sobriety.

We helped each other as brothers. He did all the right things to get off probation, worked two jobs and remained clean. I became a licensed bounty hunter. I packed a Glock and Taurus semi-automatic but bounty hunting didn’t pay the bills so I moonlighted as a nightclub bouncer. My buddy got off probation and moved back to California. Now he’s getting married. It was a good experience for me, it was just us, as brothers, doing what we needed to do.”

Back in Missouri: “Once again I was back at the rehab ranch with Robert Garrett. I worked diligently on my spiritual life. Then we received a call from Indiana. My tanker buddy had overdosed and passed away, so we drove back to Indiana to do what we could for his wife and child, and to attend the funeral. That trip started a new life for me, and a struggle to deflect negative situations. I’m walking the straight and narrow and did not have the time to worry about what people think; I only had time for decisive action to help a family.”

Joe Roden’s new family: “In the military it’s almost like a fear to look at another man’s wife because you know there’s sanctity there, plus the struggle to readjust. This is what’s happening to younger veterans, the struggle to be normal once again. I was asked to watch over the family, his wife, Nikki, and her 3 year old son, Camden. I slept in the barn next door and kept a watch for any suspicious activity since the husband had questionable ‘acquaintances’. That turned out okay, but the extended family had difficulty accepting the truth about his death and even took all the negativism to the funeral. Without going into details, it was not a pleasant experience. Nikki and her son were treated with disrespect and asked not to attend the funeral. I couldn’t believe it. I wanted to take Nikki and her son out of such a negative environment. Nikki and I discussed the situation and decided we both needed a fresh start. She agreed to come with me to Georgia.”

A dog named Scout: “We stopped in a small town in Tennessee. That’s where my dog, Scout, went out like a warrior. He was the first thing I loved after getting back from Iraq. Scout showed me I could feel my heart and vibrations of love.

Well, right in the middle of a wedding he somehow killed a cat and ran through the middle aisle with the dead cat, all covered in blood. He ruined the wedding and somebody shot him in the head. That’s how he went out, a dog chasing a cat, he went out like a real scout; dogs chase cats just like humans chase freedom.”

Home in Georgia: “Nikki and I are now engaged, and Camden is doing fine. This is an extraordinary thing, this is life. Some make it, some do not, but this is my life, and this is what I’m doing. We’ve been looking for property in the Blue Ridge Mountain area near Ellijay. We want a log cabin, a couple of acres, and a wood burning stove. I plan to flip it, buy houses, sell or rent them. I’m the entrepreneur-type, no desk job for me.”

Final comments: “I could mention experiences in Iraq, I’d even thought about going to Syria to fight against ISIS, but America and our freedoms here on the home front need protection. Our Constitution, our way of life, our faiths, our freedom, is the sword that can conquer the toughest of enemies. I want your readers to know it’s time to make some thorny but important decisions, this is reality, don’t accept what you don’t like, this is our country and we are in trouble. Get up, stand up, and speak up.”

“Thanks for the interview, sir; I felt a real brotherhood during our talk.”

Pete Mecca is a Vietnam veteran, columnist and freelance writer. You can reach him at or