The annual community prayer breakfast has been rescheduled to April 11 at 7:00 a.m. at the Turner Lake Recreation Complex. The speaker will be Kelvin J. Cochran who currently serves as senior fellow and vice president for Alliance Defending Freedom (ADF), where he is responsible for overseeing the Leadership Development Program and Prayer Initiative Team and speaks at ADF events to engage and promote ADF’s mission to defend religious liberty. He also supports ADF’s Church and Ministry Alliance by working to increase its partners.
Cochran dedicated over 30 years of his life to fighting fires and protecting the communities in which he has lived and worked. After being born into extreme poverty in Shreveport, La., he worked his way up the ranks and became Shreveport’s fire chief in 1999 where he served until he was appointed fire chief for the city of Atlanta, Ga. in 2008.
Cochran’s exemplary service record drew the attention of President Barack Obama, who appointed Cochran as the administrator of the U.S. Fire Administration in 2009, the highest office in his profession. He resumed his post as Atlanta Fire Chief in 2010.
Prior to his role at ADF, Cochran served as chief operating officer of Elizabeth Baptist Church in Atlanta. He is the author of two books, a sought-after public speaker and is an advocate for religious liberty and unity of the body of Christ.
The public is invited to this event which is hosted each year by the Kiwanis Club of Covington and Covington Rotary Club. Its purpose is to unite the community in truth and love and to provide a unique opportunity to assemble and pray together for our leaders, churches, and each other.