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Chase ends on I-20 in Newton County
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The Covington Police Department assisted in a vehicle chase on I-20 shortly after noon on Tuesday.

According to reports, a Rockale County Sheriff's deputy with the Criminal Interdiction Unit attempted to stop a blue Chevrolet pickup truck for a traffic offense on I-20 eastbound near the Newton County line.

The vehicle initially slowed to approximately 20 m.p.h. and pulled over to the emergency lane, before accelerating to approximately 45 m.p.h., according to a release from the RCSO.

The deputy observed the passenger of the pickup truck throw three weapons and a bag of narcotics out of the window while going down Interstate 20. As the pickup truck was approaching the Covington exit 90, the deputy was able to perform the P.I.T. (Precision Immobilization Technique) and was able to stop the vehicle. The deputy along with two GSP (Georgia State Patrol) Troopers, who joined in the pursuit were able to take two suspects into custody without further incident.

Several Deputies with the RCSO and K9 units were used to search for the three weapons and bag of narcotics. One handgun and approximately 3 ounces of marijuana were located. The RCSO are continuing to search for the remaining two weapons. Major Harry McCann and the recruits that are currently attending the Georgia Piedmont Technical College Basic Law Enforcement Academy are currently assisting the RCSO in searching the side of interstate 20 assisting in locating the remaining two weapons.

Marquis McGahee, 24 of Thomson GA was charged with failure to maintain lane, fleeing/attempting to elude, driving while license suspended, possession of marijuana with intent to distribute, possession of a firearm during the commission of a felony. The passenger, Darius Whimper, 22 of Covington was charged with tampering with evidence, possession of marijuana with intent to distribute, and possession of a firearm during the commission of a felony. Whimper had an injury to his leg from a gunshot wound that he received last month at a party and was checked and released by EMS.

Sergeant Newton DAR Reads Across Heard Mixon K3 and K4 classes

The Sergeant Newton DAR was so honored to take part in the annual “Read Across Heard-Mixon Elementary Day” last week. DAR members Linda Richardson and Janet Pietrobono visited with the K3 and K4 classes of Mrs. Edmondson, Mrs. Roddy, and Ms. Payton. The children were so engaged during story time and had lots of questions for the ladies once story time was over.

Literacy is so important for our children. The DAR is blessed to have these opportunities to serve in our community.

Reading aloud to children helps boost their vocabularies, can better their language skills, enhance concentration, and have an all-around positive effect on their learning.
