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Christine Boggs announced as executive director of Willing Helpers Medical Clinic

The Willing Helpers Medical Clinic, located next to Piedmont Newton Hospital, is announcing the appointment of its new executive director, Christine Boggs, who officially began her position on Oct. 12.

Her role is focused on providing the leadership needed to enable Willing Helpers to provide free healthcare to Newton, Jasper and Walton counties’ citizens who are uninsured and meet the Federal Poverty Guidelines. 

"It feels like all my experiences to date have prepared me for this calling," Boggs said. "I am honored to have the opportunity to work together with the talented staff and board of Willing Helpers Clinic, and through our affiliation with Piedmont Newton Hospital, to serve our patients. As an experienced leader, with a passion for serving the community, their mission resonates with me deeply. I’m looking forward to working together with other community leaders to ensure that proper medical care is received by those less fortunate.” 

Boggs joined Willing Helpers Clinic in March of this year as a bookkeeper, but quickly found herself filling in the vacant leadership role. 

Over the course of her career with the clinic she has introduced and implemented initiatives to streamline operational efficiencies, worked as a champion for cultural change, deepend key relationships and delivered systems to support the medical staff in extending and improving care for their patients. 

“Christine has proven her ability in her business skills to help our clinic to grow in a way to meet the needs of our clients who need our free medical clinic in the community,” said Mike Franklin, CEO of the WHMC Board of Directors. “Her heart and drive to help those that can’t afford traditional medical services has allowed her to easily immerse herself in the current climate of Willing Helpers.” 

Boggs has more than 20 years' experience in operations, marketing, leadership and strategy development. 

Prior to her new role, she served as the administrator to Gainesville Ballet in Gainesville, Georgia, helping to reestablish themselves after a tumultuous period during COVID. She has been on staff with churches, served in several managerial roles within the finance industry, run two successful businesses, and continues consulting with previous colleagues. 

Boggs received her business management degree with a concentration in entrepreneurship from Kennesaw State University, in Kennesaw, Georgia. She is a certified Biblical life coach and extremely active with Solid Rock Church, in Social Circle, where her husband is associate pastor. 

To learn more about Willing Helpers Medical Clinic, please visit:
Sergeant Newton DAR Reads Across Heard Mixon K3 and K4 classes

The Sergeant Newton DAR was so honored to take part in the annual “Read Across Heard-Mixon Elementary Day” last week. DAR members Linda Richardson and Janet Pietrobono visited with the K3 and K4 classes of Mrs. Edmondson, Mrs. Roddy, and Ms. Payton. The children were so engaged during story time and had lots of questions for the ladies once story time was over.

Literacy is so important for our children. The DAR is blessed to have these opportunities to serve in our community.

Reading aloud to children helps boost their vocabularies, can better their language skills, enhance concentration, and have an all-around positive effect on their learning.
