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City of Covington plants trees to recognize Arbor Day
covington arbor day

The city of Covington’s Arbor Day celebration extended over two days this year in honor of its 32nd year. 

On Thursday, Feb.15, mayor Fleeta Baggett, members of the City of Covington team, Keep Newton Beautiful, Sustainable Newton  and community members gathered at Legion Field to hear a proclamation honoring Covington’s Arbor Day and plant two trees at Legion Field.  

City marshal Danny Bartello, Code Enforcement Officer Freda Holloway, and City Arborist Darrin Smith planted two Willow Oaks, which are native trees that can grow up to 50 feet. 

Arborist Smith also gave the group a tree planting lesson including the following tips:

Dig a hole that is about 1 1/2 times larger than the root ball.

If the tree has been potted, the roots will girdle so you must cut up the root ball. Otherwise, the roots continue to grow in a circle and eventually choke the tree

After placing the tree in the hole, return the dirt to the hole, leaving the top of the root ball uncovered.

Cover the hole with approximately 3 to 4 inches of mulch but do not create a “mulch volcano” (piling the mulch up the trunk of the tree) as it will rot the trunk

Do not prune the newly planted tree unless it is to remove a broken limb

Trees need water so if it hasn’t rained, remember to water your tree.

After the planting, complimentary redbud seedlings, donated by Charlotte Johnson and delivered by Beryl Budd, were handed out. 

The celebration continued on Friday, Feb. 16 at the Newton College & Career Academy where Dr. Marcus Pollard and members of Newton College & Career Academy FFA helped NCCA pre-K students plant Beautyberry trees. 

“Members of the City of Covington Planning & Development Department, Land Application, Covington Tree Preservation Board and Baggett were honored to assist in this event,” a City of Covington official Facebook post stated. “We appreciate the Newton County Schools allowing us to join in the festivities.”