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New Convenience Center hang tags to go on sale June 1
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NEWTON COUNTY, Ga. - Newton County’s 2018-19 Convenience Center Vehicle Hang Tags will go on sale June 1.

There will be some changes to the hang tags this year following budget and staffing decisions from the Newton County Solid Waste Management Authority proposed during its May 17 meeting.

The hang tags, which are valid from July 1 to June 30, 2019, will be $155 and will be required to enter any one of Newton County’s five Convenience Centers. 

Only the new orange hang tag will be accepted and not the green, red or yellow tags. There will be only one tag for sale this year as the Solid Waste Authority has eliminated the recycling-only center. Recyclables will still be accepted at each of the five centers.

The Bypass Road Convenience Center, previously a recycling-only center, will now be a full Convenience Center and the Piper Road Convenience Center, located approximately 1.5 miles away, will close.

The available Convenience Centers starting on July 1 are:

  • Adams Circle - 2010 Adams Circle
  • Stone Road - 70 Stone Road
  • Stewart - 14645 Highway 36
  • Oak Hill - 112 Oak Hill Road
  • Bypass - 11575 Covington Bypass Road

The centers will also have new hours, allowing for longer operation on Saturdays. Beginning July 1, the centers will be open from noon to 7 p.m. Tuesday through Friday and 9 a.m. – 7 p.m. on Saturday.

Convenience Center hang tags may only be used at Convenience Centers and will not be accepted at the landfill. There will be a limit of 10 bags of garbage per week and one pickup truck load full of bulk waste. Hang tags are for residential use only (not commercial) and are for use only by residents of the address listed on the tag application when purchased.

New this year will be the ability to bring a bulk-waste item such as a mattress or sofa to the centers once a month at no additional charge.

Hang tags may be purchased at the Newton County Historic Courthouse, 1124 Clark St., Covington, GA 30014 from Monday through Friday during the hours of 8 a.m. to noon and 1 p.m. to 5 p.m. Hang tags may also be purchased online at

Developers seek to build ‘Project Paradise’ in Newton County
Project remains in early stages
project paradise
"Project Paradise" has a planned location of Old Atlanta Highway, an area that has become more industrial over time. - photo by Google Maps
NEWTON COUNTY – A new development could soon find its way to Newton County. According to a Development of Regional Impact (DRI) filing with the Georgia Department of Community Affairs, a company called Euphoric Development is seeking to build “Project Paradise” in the area of Old Atlanta Highway. The DRI filing was made on Jan. 30 and completed earlier this month.
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