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Recall attempt of BOC chairman unsuccessful
Banes reelection

NEWTON COUNTY – After a months-long process, an attempt to recall Newton County Board of Commissioners chairman Marcello Banes was unsuccessful. 

The process began back in September, when Newton County resident Susan Jackson first requested the recall application to remove Banes from office and for the county to hold a special election to fill his seat.

Supporters of the recall claimed that Banes had been a participant in alleged misconduct with county funds and had a strained working relationship with commissioners on the board – mainly with District 3 representative Alana Sanders.

After an insufficient filing on the first application, Jackson gathered the signatures from 100 verified voters from the 2020 election, and was granted the petition on Oct. 18.

In order for the recall to continue, the petition would have required signatures from 23,698 of the 78,994 registered voters – which equates to 30 percent –  that were eligible to vote in the 2020 election. The deadline to have those signatures submitted was Dec. 4 at 5 p.m.

Board of Elections chairman Phil Johnson stated that the petition was not turned into their office by the deadline, making the application invalid.

“They [the applicant] did not even turn the application in by the deadline, so consequently the petition became invalid after that,” Johnson said.

With no appeal process in place, this effectively ends the active petition.

Johnson stated that a recall application can be submitted at any time barring the proper procedures, but that the process would have to be restarted.

“They would have to come in and apply again for an application for the petition with 100 signatures. We, the election board, would then issue a recall petition number,” Johnson said. “But they would have to start over again.”

Banes released a statement thanking the citizens of Newton County for "doing their due diligence to find out the truth" and promised to work together with everyone from Newton County to move forward.

"I value the criticism and input of the citizens in Newton County.   The rights of citizens to engage in a recall process is an important right in our society.   The recall efforts against me were based upon false accusations and misinformation.  This recall was meant to push an agenda that did not take into consideration the needs of our community or our citizens," Banes said.   "I am thankful that the citizens of Newton County did their due diligence to find out the truth.  Throughout my tenure as Chairman and despite the discord that have been prompted by a few, I have remained focused on addressing the pressing issues that face our County.   

"Now, with the divisiveness of the failed recall campaign officially behind us, I welcome the opportunity to collaboratively work with anyone to continue the progress that we have made towards unprecedented economic development growth, promoting the social and economic success of our citizens, strengthening our County’s financial foundation and building the infrastructure of the community.  It is my hope and prayer that the efforts placed in the recall by its supporters can be redirected into fighting the increase in youth and gang violence, strengthening our public safety and developing our workforce to prepare for job opportunities with incoming industries.   I would like to thank the community for the numerous prayers, texts, emails and visits of encouragement and support.   I am humbled by your support and will never take for granted the privilege and responsibility you have given me as your Chairman of the Newton County Board of Commissioners."