o William Shane Parham, 33, Social Circle, Dec. 23. Disorderly conduct.
o Andrew Christopher Peeples, 48, Powder Springs, Dec. 23. Probation violation.
o Cedric O'Neal Perry, 40, 750 Stewart Road, Covington, Dec. 18. Failure to appear, registration and license required.
o Barbara Diane Ray, 56, Monticello, Dec. 23. Improper lane usage, DUI.
o Andrew Louis Rolley, 24, Jonesboro, Dec. 17. Probation violation.
o Sergino Pedro Samuels, 23, 260 Spring Lake Terrace, Covington, Dec. 17. Obstruction or hindering law enforcement officer, criminal use of an article (possession of firearm).
o Beverly Ann Schaner, 51, Conyers, Dec. 23. Theft by deception.
o Joshua Brian Sheltz, 22, 8120 Cardav Court, Covington, Dec. 18. Criminal attempt to commit felony.
o Quentin Maurice Sims, 22, 10210 South Dinah circle, Covington, Dec. 23. Driving without headlights, possession, manufacture, distribution of controlled substance.
o Demario Antwone Smith, 23, 220 Jack Neely Road, Covington, Dec. 17. Possession of cocaine with intent to distribute, felony possession of marijuana with intent.
o Richard Terry St. Clair, 17, 35 Clay Court, Covington, Dec. 17. Disorderly conduct.
o Gerald Demetrius Strong Sr., 38, 6112 Pine Needle Dr., Covington, Dec. 21. Theft by receiving stolen property.
o Shedrick Tyrell Thomas, 39, 45 Pebblebrook Court, Covington, Dec. 20. DUI, open container.
o Charone Antonio Walker, 25, 440 Lang Road, Covington, Dec. 21. Bench warrant, speeding.
o Jennifer Ann Wammock, 34, Swainsboro, Dec. 17. Possession of cocaine, first degree forgery.
o Desmond Sherodrick White, 24, 50 Anderson Circle, Dec. 20. DUI, driving without headlight.
o McKeever Lakisha White, 35, Madison, Dec. 18. Probation violation.
o Jesson Christopher Whited, 33, Conyers, Dec. 19. Possession of Schedule I & II drug (methamphetamine), possession of a Schedule III & IV drug, drugs to be kept in original container, possession of marijuana less than one ounce.
o Curtis Bell Williams, 52, 50 Cedar Terrace, Covington, Dec. 17. Forgery in the first degree.
o Mark Elliston Winders Jr., 18, 130 Shepherd Road, Covington, Dec. 21. Criminal trespass.
o Paul George Witter, 21, 35 Trinity Lane, Covington, Dec. 18. Criminal trespass, theft by receiving stolen property, theft by taking.
o Frank Patrick Wooten, 56, Madison, Dec. 22. Public drunkenness.