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Newton County Schools announces Kayla Archibald and Jade Neal as 2023 Gates Scholars
(From left) Kayla Archibald and Jade Neal, recipients of the 2023 Gates Scholarship. - photo by Special Photo
COVINGTON, Ga. — Newton High School and the NCCA STEM Institute are proud to announce that Kayla Archibald and Jade Neal, recent graduates from the Class of 2023, have been awarded the prestigious Gates Scholarship. This esteemed recognition is a testament to their exceptional academic achievements, leadership skills, and dedication to their communities. As Gates Scholars, Kayla and Jade have been granted full ride scholarships to pursue their higher education goals.

Kayla Archibald, an outstanding student and leader, will be attending the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill to major in dental hygiene. Throughout her high school years, Kayla demonstrated unwavering commitment to her studies, maintaining an exemplary academic record. She actively engaged in numerous extracurricular activities, such as serving as the president of the CTSO chapter and FBLA at Newton College & Career Academy. She was also a regional state officer during her junior year.

“I was so excited to learn that I received the scholarship,” said Archibald. “It was such a long process and it finally happened. It takes off a burden. Being able to go to college debt free, that’s like so huge, not only for me but for my family as well. Having that financial gift is just absolutely amazing.”

Jade Neal, a remarkable individual known for her exemplary achievements in both academics and STEM fields, will be pursuing her undergraduate studies at the prestigious Georgia Institute of Technology (Georgia Tech) to major in computer science with a minor in communications. Her passion for technology and engineering led her to actively participate in VEX robotics. She has served as the chief editor of the NCCA STEM Institute Yearbook and participated on the Reading Bowl Team, FBLA, and TSA. She has also earned a paid Amazon computer science internship scholarship for her freshman year.

“My parents have financially supported me so much throughout high school in a way where I physically just want to give back to them just because of how much they’ve done for me,” said Neal. “It’s just so nice to take that pressure off of them. Now I can have a worry-free college experience but they can also not have that financial strain. I was applying for so many financial scholarships to help but I never expected to get a big one like this. I was just so happy and excited for what I could do for my parents. I feel like a lot of times until now I realized just how much they’ve done for me. It’s really come full circle. They have done so much for me and now I can do this for them.”

The Gates Scholarship, funded by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, is one of the most esteemed scholarships in the country. It aims to support outstanding, minority, high school seniors who possess strong leadership qualities and are committed to making a positive difference in their communities. Each year, only a select few students from across the nation are chosen for this prestigious honor, and Kayla Archibald and Jade Neal have proven themselves worthy recipients through their exceptional achievements and dedication to academic excellence.

"Kayla Archibald and Jade Neal have exemplified the values of academic excellence and leadership throughout their high school journey," said Chad Walker, principal of Newton College & Career Academy. "We are immensely proud of their achievements and believe that their selection as Gates Scholars will open doors to even greater opportunities in their future endeavors. Their success is a testament to their hard work, resilience, and commitment to making a difference. We congratulate Kayla and Jade and wish them all the best as they embark on their educational journeys."

“Kayla Archibald and Jade Neal's accomplishment reflects not only their individual excellence but also the unwavering support provided by their families and educators,” added Newton High School principal, Dr. Shannon Buff. “Their dedication and achievements will undoubtedly inspire future generations of students to strive for greatness and make a lasting impact on society.”