COVINGTON, Ga. - The Highway 278 Community Improvement District announced it has completed its initial master plan and now seeks public feedback for finalizing its plans for improving this commercial corridor in Covington.
The CID’s board of directors and administrator, Kathy Morgan, have been hard at work to improve the Highway 278 corridor since formation of the CID in June 2017. The initial step to improving this thoroughfare to better accommodate all modes of transportation was to create a master plan, which was developed with a focus on improving the corridor following a “Complete Streets” model.
The “Complete Streets” model addresses public safety, stormwater runoff, lighting, beautification and greening, curb management, sidewalks, multi-use trails, outdoor seating and all modes of transportation.
Rethinking and redesigning Highway 278 will improve safety for all types of transit, creating smart access for pedestrians, bicycles, golf carts and automobiles. This plan will safely link our residential areas to the Highway 278 corridor providing better access to retail shops, restaurants, medical offices and business services.
For decades, Highway 278 has served as an economic engine to the Covington and Newton County community. This master plan will help to foster economic opportunity, promoting walkability where it makes sense, while addressing all types of transportation and providing safe access. The plan will help to define destinations along the corridor. These choices will help to stimulate private property owners to maximize the productivity and value of their sites. The CID’s vision is to become Georgia’s most desirable multi-use community to live, work, play and shop.
The CID master plan serves as the strategic plan for the corridor and the organization. The design team, led by Thomas & Hutton, consultants from Savannah, with an office in Covington, received input from stakeholders such as property owners, civic groups, utility companies, local government staff, and the Georgia Department of Transportation.
The board of the CID now seeks to hear from the public to ensure that all good ideas are incorporated into the plan. In addition to general input, the CID board also seeks preferences regarding aspects such as multi-use trails, bike lanes, greenspaces, crosswalks and parking. Public input will ensure that the master plan addresses the community as a whole and enable the Highway 278 CID to become the economic clearing house for this entire commercial corridor.
The presentation of the Highway 278 CID Master Plan will be May 14 at The Center located at 2104 Washington St. in downtown Covington from 4:30 p.m. until 6:30 p.m. The presentation will begin at 5 p.m. The public is invited and encouraged to attend and provide feedback.