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Its official: Baxalta launches
Baxalta began trading Wednesday
Baxalta CEO, Ludwig Hantson, rang the opening bell at the New York Stock Exchange on July 1, 2015, to celebrate the company’s first day as an independent company.”

Baxalta Incorporated launched Wednesday as a global biopharmaceutical company dedicated to delivering transformative therapies to patients with orphan diseases and underserved conditions.

The company officially split off of Baxter International, which announced the plans to become two companies in early 2014.
Baxter International is a $9.4 billion medical products company and Baxalta Incorporated is a $5.8 billion BioScience business.

Baxalta is in the process of building a 162 acre facility in Stanton Springs Industrial Park off Hwy. 278, which includes 54 acres in Newton County. The facility will produce plasma-based treatments Gammagard and Albumin by 2018.

Baxalta plans to launch 20 new products by 2020, leveraging the company’s experienced leadership team, existing global capabilities and footprint in more than 100 countries. As of Wednesday, Baxalta began trading on the New York Stock Exchange under the ticker symbol “BXLT”.

“Baxalta launches with a rich heritage in pioneering innovations and strategic partnerships, which positions us well to continue to develop transformative therapies. What sets us apart is our uncompromising focus on understanding patients’ needs and experiences every step of the way,” said Ludwig Hantson, chief executive officer and president, Baxalta Incorporated. “We are leveraging science and external innovation to spark discovery and work with all stakeholders – patients, healthcare professionals and policymakers - to ensure access and improve standards of care.”


Sergeant Newton DAR Reads Across Heard Mixon K3 and K4 classes

The Sergeant Newton DAR was so honored to take part in the annual “Read Across Heard-Mixon Elementary Day” last week. DAR members Linda Richardson and Janet Pietrobono visited with the K3 and K4 classes of Mrs. Edmondson, Mrs. Roddy, and Ms. Payton. The children were so engaged during story time and had lots of questions for the ladies once story time was over.

Literacy is so important for our children. The DAR is blessed to have these opportunities to serve in our community.

Reading aloud to children helps boost their vocabularies, can better their language skills, enhance concentration, and have an all-around positive effect on their learning.
