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BELTON: The First Lady’s Decision
Belton, Dave
State Rep. Dave Belton

It is so rare that I agree with the Leftist New York Times.

So – in the interest of bipartisanship – I try to celebrate the few times that we do concur.

After Biden’s disastrous debate, the New York Times and most of the Leftist pundits of the mainstream media are now concluding that – for the good of the nation – Biden should let someone else run for president.

Indeed, one of the most important things a good leader does, is to carefully prepare a good successor.

This was especially true of the Romans, as their biggest problem was their inability to choose good successors to be the next emperor.

The most famous example of this was inaccurately displayed in the movie, Gladiator. In the movie, the Emperor’s son murdered his father in the Teutonic forest after the good emperor decided that his son was unfit to rule. In reality, Marcus Aurelius – the most scholarly and gifted emperor in all of Roman history – made the huge mistake of officially naming his teenage son to be the next emperor in a huge ceremony in Rome. Unfortunately, the misguided decision ended the prosperous Pax Romana of the “the ten good emperors”, sending the Empire into a swift decline.

Why? Because, after this disastrous decision of Marcus Aurelius (one of Rome’s best emperors), the Romans had a very bad habit of fighting a civil war when the old emperor died. Obviously, these wars greatly hastened the Fall of Rome.

Monarchies solved this problem up to a point, in that you at least knew who the successor was suppose to be. Thus, barring a Game of Thrones scenario, civil wars were usually avoided.

Free democracies are a better system, of course, in that the people elect a new president every 4 years. And we have an obvious successor in case of emergency: the vice president.

Sadly, in America’s short history, nine presidents became so incapacitated that they couldn’t perform their duties. Six of these presidents died in office.

Many of these presidents – like Eisenhower and Reagan – let the vice president take charge while they were dealing with health issues.

But others – like Woodrow Wilson and FDR – actively hid their illnesses in order to selfishly hold on to power.

The most grievous of these instances was Democrat Woodrow Wilson. The most Leftist president in history and a PhD who was once the President of elite Princeton, Wilson was also one of the most racist of our presidents; re-segregating the White House after Republican Teddy Roosevelt abolished the shameful practice.

Wilson’s worst contribution to history was his incompetent influence on the Treaty of Versailles, the heavy-handed agreement after WW1 that guaranteed that WW2 would happen two decades later.

But most people don’t know, that shortly after his disaster in Europe, Wilson had a severe stroke that completely incapacitated him. But instead of doing what was best for the nation, this Leftist academic elite let his First Lady secretly run the country for almost two years.

Similarly, FDR was clearly enfeebled when he ran for a fourth term. Thinking that no one else could lead the nation during WW2, he nonetheless died during WW2, leaving the nation in a horrible lurch during our biggest conflict.

Again, very few people realize that – because FDR was in such bad health – he gave Stalin half of Europe in their disastrous meeting at Yalta. The “Iron Curtain” and most of the Cold War happened because FDR refused to let a more healthy man deal with Stalin.

Indeed, these two diplomatic disasters – that caused WW2 and then the Cold War – was the main reason that Congress enacted the 24th Amendment and 25th Amendment.

Now, we have Biden.

It is clear he’s not running the nation anymore.

But, like his fellow Democrat elites (Wilson and FDR), he refuses to step aside.

Perhaps, that would not be such a problem if the world was at peace.

But the world is on fire right now…mostly because of Biden.

Remember, when Biden first ran for president, he promised to be a “transitional figure” who would not seek a second term. If Biden had kept that promise, the Leftist media would praise him forever.

But because of the unbelievable selfishness of the Biden family, even the media realizes that our nation is leaderless.

Russia…and China…and Iran…and North Korea realize it too.

That is why, for the good of the nation, the First Lady needs to urge her husband to step aside.

The wolves are watching.

Dave Belton is a former state representative for District 112, which includes portions of Morgan and Newton counties.