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HUBBARD: The Changing of Seasons
PBH Farewell Column

Seasons come. Seasons go. 

On July 28, 2021, my season of working at The Covington News started. Now, almost exactly three years later, I will be leaving The Covington News on July 30 to pursue another opportunity. 

I am not going to lie, I have struggled greatly to write this “farewell” column. There is just so much to mention. 

Thousands of hours worked, miles traveled, words written, photos taken and stories told. It is difficult to summarize the last three years into one column. Especially given the fact that I have served as both the newspaper’s sports editor and, in the last year, as managing editor. 

However, as I look back across the past 1,098 days, only one thing means the most to me: The relationships I have formed and built with so many people. 

Let’s start with the wonderful staff here at the newspaper. 

When I first came to work here, I had no clue I was really joining a close knit, family-like group. If I’m being honest, that was kind of nerve-wracking at first, because I was not sure that I would fit in. 

But, after a few months, I felt like a member of this family. There are too many people to mention everyone by name, but I have to shout out the “Dream Team.” 

Cynthia, Lee Ann, Garrett, Evan and Kaison are all superb individuals I have been extremely fortunate to work alongside. Though for different stretches of time and in different capacities, I have so many memories, inside jokes and more that I am taking with me to my next adventure. You all make this transition bittersweet, that’s for sure. 

In my first two years at The Covington News, I served as sports editor. During that time frame, I met some amazing coaches and players. 

A few aspects of the area were evident from the moment I arrived in Newton County. No. 1: This area has a lot of talented student-athletes. No. 2: This area has a lot of successful athletic programs across the board. No. 3: This area has coaches who deeply care about the success of their players on and off the field. 

It can be a daunting task trying to seek out and share all of the inspiring stories the Newton County athletics scene has to offer. But I credit the success — if I had any — to players and coaches I have gotten to know. 

While there are many games I have enjoyed covering, my most favorite part was all the times I would go to teams’ practices. I would go take photos, observe practice and interview players and coaches for stories. 

Something bigger was accomplished. It is by attending those practices that I feel I best got to know the coaches and athletes. Yes, it is important to attend games, but it is even more important, in my opinion, to show up to practice. I fully believe it paid dividends in the overall quality of coverage. 

Since moving over to the “news” side of Newton County, I have had the opportunity to meet and know many more individuals in that arena. 

Again, I do not have the space to name people, but know that each of you has helped in a big way to the newspaper’s news coverage. 

I quickly learned that remarkable individuals in Newton County did not just reside in sports, but in many facets of the community. 

Similar to sports, it has always helped when people are willing to drop by our office or I go to their office to do interviews. Attending events is needed but, once again, having one-on-one interviews just adds to the quality of the story, I believe. 

Lastly, I want to recognize all of our readers and subscribers. Each of you following and reading our content means a lot to this guy. 

Without you all following along, it is like, when we write, we are just talking to ourselves. But that is not the case here. We have not been perfect all the time — I mean, who is? — but your support goes a long way. 

After all, everything invested into the storytelling process is meant for you, the reader.

It is my firm opinion that The Covington News is and will continue to be the best local news/sports source in the area by far. I am extremely proud to have been a part of this award-winning publication for the past three years. 

Leaving 1166 Usher Street is bittersweet, no doubt. But, I wholeheartedly believe it is time for this season of my life to end. 

Here comes another season on the horizon. What will it hold? How long will it last? I am not sure. I leave that sort of stuff in the good Lord’s hands. 

However, I know I am a better professional, storyteller and person because of the amazing people I have met here. You all will always hold a special place in my heart. 

Thank you for everything. God Bless. 

Phillip B. Hubbard is the managing editor of The Covington News. He can be reached at