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Proud of our commissioners
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On Wednesday, after much anguish, criticism and concern, the Newton County Board of Supervisors balanced the county's budget for FY2010. Through the efforts of county management, county employees and elected officials, the final balance was accomplished without raising the current millage rate and resulted in the loss of a minimal amount of jobs. We have nothing but praise for the leadership of County Chair Kathy Morgan.
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Our Thoughts: Remembering Nancy VanKleeck
Nancy VanKleeck
Mrs. Nancy VanKleeck - photo by Special Photo

The Covington News would like to take a moment to remember Mrs. Nancy VanKleeck. We became acquainted with her a few years back while she was asking for information about the jail log. She had a ministry in which she would write letters to inmates telling them about Jesus. She was able to write over 11,000 letters. She was a true woman of character. We will miss her.