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Strickland: Weeks One & Two Under the Gold Dome
Brian Strickland
District 17 State Sen. Brian Strickland - photo by Special Photo

The 2024 Legislative Session is underway, and promises to be busy and action-packed. I am eager to be back under the Gold Dome to represent the hardworking constituents of the 17th Senate District. As Chairman of the Senate Committee on Judiciary, I look forward to working with my colleagues on both sides of the aisle as we hear important legislation that will significantly impact the lives of Georgians.

The Senate officially gaveled in for the Second Session of the 157th Georgia General Assembly last week, with a productive start to the hard work that lies ahead. On Thursday, Jan. 11th, the Georgia Senate and House of Representatives gathered for a Joint Session in the House chamber to hear Governor Brian P. Kemp’s annual State of the State Address. The Governor uses this speech to lay out his legislative and budgetary priorities and set the tone for the upcoming session. I commend Gov. Kemp for prioritizing the allocation of funding for Georgia’s University System, pay raises for law enforcement and key updates for the technology of state agencies across the state.

This week, much of the General Assembly’s time was dedicated to Joint Hearings of the Senate and House Appropriations Committees. Commonly known as “Budget Week” on Capitol Hill, this is considerably the most critical week of session, as it is our only constitutional obligation to pass a balanced budget each year. We took time to listen to the heads of Georgia’s state agencies as they presented their budget requests to the General Assembly for review. Concluding the Appropriations Budget hearings, Director Richard Dunn from the Governor’s Office of Planning and Budget provided an overview of the Governor’s budget proposal. This proposal aligns with the priorities of hardworking Georgians, emphasizing the return of revenue to taxpayers. The budget aims to utilize current revenue to reduce outstanding liabilities and invest in infrastructure, technology, state assets, and economic development to enhance employee recruitment and retention statewide. The budget process will continue throughout the coming weeks as we break up into subcommittees to further analyze the needs of our state.

It was also a pleasure to host the Madison-Morgan Chamber of Commerce at the State Capitol on Thursday, Jan. 18th. If you find yourself under the Gold Dome throughout the next few months, please come by my office and visit! As session goes on, please remember that the needs and concerns of the people of the 17th Senate District will always be my first priority. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to reach out to my office.

Sen. Brian Strickland serves as the Chairman of the Senate Committee on Judiciary. He represents the 17th Senate District which includes all of Morgan and portions of Henry, Newton and Walton County. Sen. Strickland may be reached by phone at 404.463.6598 or by email at