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Submit a Letter to the Editor

Submission Guidelines

Letters may be submitted electronically via this form; by email to; or mailed to The Covington News at 1166 Usher St., Covington GA 30014. Please include full name, hometown and phone number. 

Letters must be confirmed before being considered for publication

They should be limited to one topic on issues of public concern and may be edited for content, grammar, spelling and length. Letters should be limited to 500 words or less, and the same writer or group may only submit one letter per month for consideration. Names and hometowns of writers will be included for publication, without exception. Telephone numbers will not be published. We do not publish poetry or blanket letters, and generally do not publish letters concerning consumer complaints. Unsigned or incorrectly identified letters will be withheld. Letters must be received by noon Friday for Sunday publication. Letters and articles submitted may be published in print, electronic and other forms. Letters, columns and cartoons express the opinions of the autors and not The Covington News. 

Please confirm that you have read and agree to the guidelines shown on this page
By checking this box, you agree that we may publish your signed letter in print and/or online. Please note that we normally verify all letters regardless of this step.
Please enter your first and last name, as you would like it published
Will not be published, but we will contact you to verify information
Only the city will be published
Please type or paste your letter to the editor in the box above. Keep the guidelines in mind.