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Copper thieves hit Eastview Road homes
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Conyers police discovered eight homes in three subdivisions along Eastview Road had recently been broken into by burglars who stripped the copper out of the vacant homes.

Police found while patroling on Nov. 12 that two homes on White Rocks Way, two on St. George Place, two on Village Place Circle, and two on Corner Stone Path had been ransacked. The homes were located in the St. Julian's Place, Millage Place and Bridgestone Village subdivisions.

The homes had been broken into in the same way - through the back door, and copper had been pulled out of the interior of the homes.

A neighbor reported seeing a white cleaning van in the driveway of one of the homes but hadn't thought anything of it at the time.

Anyone with information about the incidents is asked to call the Conyers Police Department at (770) 483-6600. Anyone who notices anything suspicious involving a vacant home is also asked to notify police to check it out.






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