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RCA Fast Forward run returns Feb. 2

Rockdale Career Academy holds it's third Annual RCA Fast Forward 5K and Fun Run on Saturday, Feb. 2.

The route starts and ends at Rockdale Career Academy, 1064 Culpepper Dr, and winds through nearby industries with a moderately challenging course.

Walkers are welcome. The start time for the 5K is 11 a.m. and 1 Mile Fun Run at 10:30 a.m. Awards will be presented to Overall Male/Female, Masters Male/Female, and top three Male/Female in age groups beginning 10 and under through 75 and over. All participants in the Fun Run will receive a finisher’s ribbon.

Registration is $15 by Friday, Jan. 25 and $20 afterwards up to the race. All pre-registered participants will be guaranteed a shirt, and as supply last on race day. There is a family/team rate of $50 pre-registered only (limit of 4 per family).

Registration is available at Race day registration will open at 9:30AM on Feb. 2. Checks should be made out to RCA Fast Forward 5K


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