• Adrian Pedro Mateo-Aguilar, 46, April 16, Driving Without a Valid License (Misdemeanor)• Ira Levon Henderson, 38, April 16, Operating A Motor Vehicle While License Suspended, Failure to Maintain Lane• Candis Shereece Swinney, 23, April 16, Possession of Marijuana Less Than One Ounce, Altered/Improper Transferred Tag• Courtney Renee Wages, 21, April 16, Probation Violation• Sumit Sinah Bhatia, 33, April 16, Criminal Trespass• Augustin Rayos-Burgos, 27, April 16, Driving Without a Valid License (Misdemeanor), Improper Headlights• Thaddeus Lacline Nelson, 54, April 16, Operating A Motor
Rockdale County Jail Log, April 28